Saturday, 5 December 2009

2 Weeks on my own :(

I have been left on my own for a few hours now and I miss Mum and Ian!!! They have left me to selfishly go to Egypt for two weeks, la de da! They are so funny though, today I have learnt how to put water in the iron, start the dish washer and put a large load of washing on ha ha! Oh how productive!
My mothers parting words where "The house is my life, and if i get back and the house is not there anymore then I will not be able to live, and if you die my life is over" NO PRESSURE! So I have strict orders not to leave the stove or the iron on, like I would even consider cooking or ironing!!! ha ha! So I waved goodbye to them, while Ian was sporting his trilby ha ha, you can tell its holiday time! 
Another concern my mother had after watching the news last night, was that Ian and her would get captured by pirates while they are on holiday lol, so I quickly assured her that if she was captured they would as soon as possible try and return them both. As Ian would be too irritating trying to make friends with the pirates, and mum would be demanding a glass of wine and insisting on cleaning the ship! But just incase she told me, to look after Amy and do the gardening, "As with only three days of college, you have plenty of time to do those things!" So a slightly surreal send off!   

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