Monday, 30 November 2009


I am going to dedicate this post to the love of my life Edward Cullen!!! God I am sad! I saw New Moon at the cinema this week (and missed two hours of college, sorry but sometimes you have to prioritize),  and it was a blur of amazement!! Robert Patternson plays him in real life, and Alice told me that girls are actually cutting themselves in front of him, so he will suck there blood!!! He is quoted to be scared of catching AIDS ha ha! Don't worry Rob I will look after you! I will be seeing it again when my sister comes back from university, so hopefully I will not be so blown away by edward and actually be able to remember the film! oh dear... 
Flynn has promised to buy me a Twilight pillow for christmas, if I promise to write my blog everyday for the week leading up to Christmas! It is a sacrifice I am willing to make! So you will be reading about my dysfunctional family on Christmas day, Oh Joy! 
I am so so excited about the pillow! You will be pleased to know that I am creating a mini Twilight shrine as I have now got all the books, the first film on pirate (in Thai) and the actual dvd, an 'I Love Boys who Sparkle' t- shirt (as vampires sparkle in the sun) from Riannon and a miniature Edward Cullen Doll which Alice kindly got me for my birthday! So a pillow case will be the perfect addition to my obsession! I am sorry but this is what happens when you are left in Bury St Edmunds, well it does for me! Do I turn to drugs, rock and roll or sex??? No TWILIGHT!!!!! X X X X 

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Sunday Morninggggg

I am seriously worried about my lack of maternal instinct, today I drank way to much coffee, and became really shaky and nervous and then all these children started messing around with what I wanted to buy in T K Max, and I started talking to them like adults! I bumped into one of them by accident and she looked like she wanted to cry and all i said was "oh sorry" and walked past her!!! I am a monster!! I also visited my friend in my Foundation Course Clare who has a two year old, and all her child did was throw a ball at me while I just sat there! NO MATERNAL INSTINCT! I am getting seriously worried.... I like kittens why can't I communicate to children???  
Also in reference to my last blog, my mum was talking to me how the holly water was running out in the fountain, and she thought that Ian and I where using it! I had to let her down gently and tell her that it was evaporating- but at least we have God in the air!! ha ha. Flynn will be round next weekend with Alice and Jen to get a nice blessing of Holly water so not to worry!  She seems to be over it as she is now singing 'Your not alone' by 10 C C. Such a classic!
Also another horrific thing happened to me today, I have just searched my Dads facebook and one of his ex- girlfriends has left him one of those questions that you send people saying "What kind of flower is Clive Roberts" and she answered "Sunflower" WEIRDDDDDD, Dad you will read this, and I am sorry, but its just not a good! My mum said Dandelion  ha ha ha ha 
That is all for my sunday! x x x x 

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Our Lady....

My mother has recently come back from Walsigham and has brought back loads of religious memorabilia to give to family remembers and decorate the house with. When returning home from her pilgrimage she decided that a matching holly water set and fountain for her and her sister would be the perfect gift for christmas "What do you give a woman who has everything, you give her God!". So now we have a Mary shaped holder over our front door light switch! Light switch??? Not the safest thing in the world, Ian thought this too, but there was no way that the light switch would be positioned higher than Jesus' Mother, so Ian had to back down and hammer it into the wall, Ha ha it was quite funny!
Now when I am watching TV i get occasionally doused with holy water by my mother and have to make the sign of the cross, in the hope that I will be better behaved and to become safer! 

Friday, 13 November 2009

The Haverhill Bus

I have had two really tramatic experiences on the Haverhill bus this week. First not so good, someone had an epileptic fit infront of me, and some smart person thought it would be a good idea to roll her on the floor! On a moving bus?? Also it didn't help that the bus driver refused to stop for a while, so we called an ambulance, and where else did the ambulance say it would meet us but right outside Will French's house! When I was bursting for the toilet! No more than then had I wished that I hadn't 'burn't my bridges'! So I spent the whole tramatic event in some considrable pain! (I know, poor me, poor me, the girl was ok and was checked by the ambalence)

The next event was today when I was coming home, the bus stopped to let someone off, and what should happen but the alarm starts going off! It was probably the most irritating noise in the world, but then something happened to make it considrably worse. Due to the bus driver realising that the alarm stopped when you turned all the lights off..... So here I am in the middle of a country lane in a double decker bus with the lights turned off while the Haverhillians tried to create a 'rave'! It was like feeding time at the zoo! Also theirs a boy on there that really scares me (he is about 16 :s) who thought it was funny to bash along the side of the bus while we wait. This lasted for about 20 minutes, finally the bus driver turned on the lights and realised the alarm had stopped and carried on the journey while shouting "Don't smoke up there!!!" with the smell of canabis filtering down to the bottom deck, so we were back to normal????!!!!

Monday, 9 November 2009

Haverhill High Street

I have just been on my second outing in Haverhill, my mum is feed up with pushing me up and down my hill so she is insisting that I walk! As the doctor said I can put weight on my cast after two days, she says that now I am fit and healthy enough get myself around and that "balance isn't everything"! So down Haverhill high street I go hobbling away while all the Haverhillians are asking me while they are outside the pub for a cigarette, wondering how I have done it and what I have broken. I have not the best answer as I say I was dancing, and the classic question comes up "Oh so you are part of a dance squad?" and I have to answer "No" and say I was in a Student Union in London and fell over because the floor was wet, when a man from Haverhill who is outside the pub at 2 o'clock on a week day roles his eyes at you, you know that you are a fool! 
If that isn't bad enough, my mother said she would push me up the hill in the wheel chair and i decide to have a cigarette while sitting in it (not the classist look in the world, while she is pushing me out of breath), then who should appear but my neighbor- who already thinks I am a joke, after dropping out of university and living at home. He just stared at me, and my mum made some joke about me drinking "the falling over juice" and breaking my ankle! Oh dear.... not the best day! x x x x x

Sunday, 1 November 2009

And so i broke my ankle....

I have just been on the phone to Addenbrookes Hospital, and they think its approprate to play classic rock on the phone while putting you on hold for a ridiculous amount of time! Then you have to speak to a robot opperator which doesn't understand anything!!! Funnily enough I didn't get an appointment!

Well I broke my ankle on friday night on the dance floor, not a good move- also I made it considrably worse as I thought I could walk it off.... Waking up in the morning with a tree trunk ankle, being hungover and having no charge on my phone or money was not the best experience of my life! Sorry if this is a wingy message but I am coming to the terms with the fact that I will be stuck in my house for a whole month, sob sob lol there where defentally tears! ha ha Everyone was sooooo nice though, It has to be said- especially Douglas Beales for that amazing piggy back along New Cross high street with me missing a shoe!! so so funny looking back on it now, although I was not happy then, I am such an idiot!!!! I think I am going to leave it at that! x x x x x